Please consider attending this workshop about hydro relicensing. This issue is critical to the quality of the overall recreation experience on the the Lower Saluda for years to come. The information will also be valuable for other relicensings that are going to take place.
Please let anyone you know that may be interested about this workshop.
WHEN: Saturday, May 4, 2002 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
WHERE: Congaree Swamp National Monument Visitors Center near Columbia (view a map at
WHY: A five-year relicensing process will begin this summer for the Saluda Dam, which creates Lake Murray and controls virtually all water flowing into the Lower Saluda River. The new license issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (FERC) will determine how the dam will operate for the next 30 to 50 years.
KEY ISSUES: How much water will be released into the Saluda and Congaree Rivers to enhance fish and wildlife habitat, Congaree River floodplains, and outdoor recreation?
Will water quality of dam releases be improved to meet oxygen requirements of aquatic resources?
How can Lake Murray water levels be best managed to meet all public benefits?
What is the future of 180 miles of undeveloped LakeMurray shoreline?
Welcome, and Introductions
Gerrit Jobsis, SC Coastal Conservation League
Relicensing Dams in the Carolinas
Gerrit Jobsis, SC Coastal Conservation League
Overview Lower Saluda River Relicensing Issues
Bill Marshall, Saluda Scenic River Advisory Council
Overview Lake Murray Relicensing Issues
Ron Ahle, Department of Natural Resources
Dam Relicensing 101
Gerrit Jobsis, SC Coastal Conservation League
The Role of NGO's in FERC Relicensings: Alabama Experiences
Beth Wentzel, Alabama Rivers Alliance
Using the FERC Process to Protect Shoreline and Forest Lands
Ken Kimball, Appalachian Mountain Club
FERC Relicensing and the Clean Water Act
Dave Sligh, American Rivers
Recent FERC Policy and Legislative Developments
Andrew Fahlund, American Rivers
Lunch will be provided.
Space is limited, so please send RSVPs by April 15 via email to or to the address below.
Questions? Contact:
Gerrit Jobsis, Rivers Program, SC Coastal Conservation League
1207 Lincoln St, Suite 203-C, Columbia, SC 29201
ph: 803.771.7114 fx: 803.771.7103
We look forward to seeing you there!